How to Write A Good Job Posting? 15 Tips for Writing One!

Have you been planning to chase the right talent for the job vacancy? Indeed, a good advert on an otherwise well-designed job posting can be a game changer. If you re here, I will do my best to explain 15 great tips that will assist you in designing attractive and efficient job posting. Let’s dive in!

Basic guidelines that should be followed in any well written job posting

The job posting is a starting point of interaction of your company with prospective applicants for a particular job opening. This is your good opportunity to create a powerful presence and get the response from the best professionals. A bad posting may deter qualified people from applying; therefore, one should spare his or her time to develop a good one.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Before you immediately start having a go at your keyboard, try to comprehend the goals of your prospective clients. Understanding the needed candidate and generating the job seeker archetypes. You will be able to ensure that you are able to capture the right audience with your message.

Creating an Interesting Title for the Position

More often than not, the job title is the first thing that someone applying for a position gets to see. Ensure that the descriptions here are concise but straightforward as well as not to use organization specific terms that might not be understood by prospective applicants. While choosing the title it is important to dodge fancy such as ‘Marketing Ninja’ and stick to simpler and clearer title as ‘Senior Digital Marketing Manager’.

Ensuring the accuracy in the creation of an appropriate job description

Regarding the description of the job, it is preferable to emphasize the tasks that correspond to the given position. Be detailed but concise. Lists help to focus the eye and make the information hierarchal, thus qualifications and requirements can also make applicants aware of what is expected of them.

Presenting Company Culture and Values

Those who search for a new job want to know the company they can become a part of. Offer the audience information about your firm, the values it upholds and its overarching goal. Detail out how your working environment looks like and how your organization stands out from others.

Salary and Benefits Information

Compensation must also be also as transparent as possible. Admitting work wage or other benefits is also a sign of appreciation for the applicant’s time invested. Talk about such benefits as for example, flexible working hours, working from home, or skills upgrade.

Using Keywords for SEO

This can be done by researching the appropriate keywords best suited for the job and the industry to increase the chances of people finding your posting. Embed these keywords appropriately into the posting and especially the title and the job description. This increases the chances of your posting to be seen and clicked by those customers searching at the job boards and search engines.

Formatting and Structure

Ideally, a job posting should be well-organized; it means that its text should not be hard to comprehend. Employ a list format to choose the responsibility as well as outline the expectation. Appropriate use of subtitles provides an easy navigation, so candidates will not spend much time searching for the required information.

Call to Action

Direct the candidates interested in the advertised positions to the next step that they should take. Include a direct call to the applicant that will compel them to apply. State where and how should the applications be submitted, and if there are any documents which need to be attached.

Emphasizing Equal Opportunity

Ex. Avoid gender bias in language by referring to he/she, instead say he or she. Stress your company’s dedication to the principles of diversity and equal opportunities. They remain neutral regarding the use of any sick leave by verycare avoid any language that they deem as discriminating.

Proofreading and Editing

The candidate can be easily discouraged by simple typographical errors and grammatical mistakes. Read the posting several times or, even better, get another person to go through the posting and correct possible mistakes. It also important to note that a polished posting portray professionalism of the company.

Seeking Feedback

Get your team to review your content before you post it. It is handy to receive posting advice from different angles; apart from that, you gain insights into other approaches. Critique brings out a stronger output in the end.

A/B Testing for Optimization

It might be helpful to post the same job in several slightly different ways. Try one against the other to see which of them works best. comparing the rates of applications you should make the conclusion which of the versions is closer to the spirit if users.


The creation of a proper job posting isn’t a simple process and it needs time to be done. Implementation of these fifteen tips will help you post your ad where the best talents will see it and get the right perception of your company. Just like any other company assets, your job posting is an advert of how YOUR company operates, so get it right.


Why is it important to create a good job advertisement?
The preparation of a good posting plays a role in ensuring that one gets the right people for the job and ensures that the company’s image in as a good place to work is maintained.

Should salary range be included in the ad?
Yes, because even though it is said that putting out a salary range or other information such as benefits is beneficial, it can give the right impression to candidates and attract the right talent.

Is there any additional information that I can add to improve the job posting for gender, race, and sexual orientation?
Always employ diversity friendly language, stress on equal employment opportunity clause and ensure you publicize your company’s diversity policy.

What effect does it have to utilize keywords in the posting?
Keywords enhance the manner in which your posting will be viewed on job sites and through search engines since those using the sites will associate the words with their search.

Why is A/B testing important in such an environment as job posting?
A/B testing is useful and helps you understand that part of the job posting that lasts the best and would look most appealing to candidates.

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