Flask vs CherryPy: What Should Python Developers Choose?

If we shall speak about the Python web frameworks it is possible to single out Flask and CherryPy. However, they each have their advantages and disadvantages and their adoption heavily depends on specific needs of the project being developed in Python. To aid you in this decision-making process, in this article we will be comparing Flask and CherryPy based on different factors.


The quite popular and easy language, Python, has an abundance of web frameworks for developers to select from. Out of such frameworks, Flask and CherryPy are worth mentioning because they are used in projects that require certain specificity and priorities. In this article, we will introduce them, compare them, point out their strengths and weaknesses, as well as see how to use them in practice so that you would be able to come to a conclusion which of them will be suitable for your project.

Flask: This is a Micro Web Framework

Features of Flask

Flask is a light web framework that remains minimalistic and the developers can implement only the functionalities they require. It has capabilities for URL routing, templating, and session management; thus suitable for applications of small to medium size.

Pros of Using Flask

Lightweight and minimalistic.

High level of customization.

Extensive community support.

Excellent documentation.

Specifically suitable for sample constructions and small-sized projects.

Cons of Using Flask

Limited built-in features.

Can possibly need more third party application for some project.

CherryPy: A Minimalist Approach

Features of CherryPy

Similar to Flask, CherryPy is light-weight web framework, but it offers more rigidity of web application framework. It contains an integrated web server and supports the HTTP/1. 1.

Pros of Using CherryPy

Customer driven features include;

Unless you’re Sergei Brin and Larry Page developing Google, or Ian Schrager developing TOM for Mac, you will need a built-in server to get the work going quickly whether you’re a beginner or an expert.

Appropriate for applications of the small and average sizes.

Simplicity is beneficial, and it is seen to lower the level of clutter by reducing the mechanisms present in a software program.

Cons of Using CherryPy

Has a smaller population density than Flask.

Fewer third-party extensions available.

Should not be used where a large number of files need to be transferred.

Performance Comparison

Regarding the importance of factors that define the web framework, performance is indispensable. For this reason, Flask which is ass minimalistic as possible usually outperforms CherryPy. However, the effectiveness depends on several aspects, for example, the particular application being implemented and certain important improvements.


In terms of the comparison, Flask and CherryPy are suitable for small and the middle level applications. Still, Flask is more flexible in terms of scaling larger projects because it has fewer limitations in terms of structure and offers more extensions.

Ease of Learning

For Python developers, both of them are fairly easy to learn. Flask is suitable for someone who might want simplicity and is just starting with web frameworks since it provides little structure during development hence allowing for customization of features., CherryPy, on the other hand, is excellent for someone who desires structure in his/her project, and this is because CherryPy supports the structure of web applications by providing standardized fundamentals during the development process.

Community and Ecosystem

Flask receives more updates and attention, which creates detailed documentation, guidelines, and availability of many extensions. CherryPy’s has a much more limited but nonetheless loyal following, which provides help for users/developers.

Use Cases

Flask is recommended for projects ranging from APIs, web applications, and microservices among others. CherryPy is best used in projects where a bare-bones architecture is needed and HTTP/1. 1 compliance is necessary.

Extensibility and Customization

Much of what cannot be achieved through the framework alone can be accomplished through Flask’s massive number of available extensions. However, as seen earlier, CherryPy may prove to be more structured and may call for more codes to be written to enable specific functionalities.


They both have decent security capabilities, but Flask has a more extensive community and substantial documentation, meaning that the exact standards of security and recommendations on how to can be found relatively quickly.

Deployment and Hosting

Making Flask and CherryPy applications is an easy task. They can run on various environments: cloud solutions and ‘standard’ servers.

Documentation and Support

As for the community support Flask has exceptional documentation and many tutorials that can be useful for the developers. CherryPy is relatively good documented, although not as richly as Flask.

One must wonder, therefore, which of the two is the most suitable for making the required improvements.

Flask or CherryPy: it all comes down to the particularities of the project. As Flask is more lightweight it could be a great choice for fast development, CherryPy has more structure and HTTP/1. 1 compliance. Look into how large and intricate your project is, for how well you are acquainted with each framework, and how much community support is needed.

Case Studies

Find out how the Flask and CherryP are used in real-world projects through two examples so that one could compare the two frameworks’ effectiveness.


Comparing Flask and CherryPy is not an easy question, which means that nobody can state that one of the options is undoubtedly better than the other. Each of the frameworks is quite useful and has its own advantages for those who work with Python. Reflect on your project needs, estimate pros and cons, and make a decision on which framework should be implemented.


1. Is Flask is more suitable for a project than CherryPy?
No, here it much depends on the size and specifics of the project in question. CherryPy also has more features, but Flask’s flexibility is better if some of CherryPy’s structure is pinned.

2. Is Flask and CherryPy still updated?
Indeed, there are indications that both of the frameworks are on an active development by their respective communities.

3. Flask or CherryPy: Can I switch Mid of the project and what will happen?
Yes it can but it may be a bit hard since different institutions has different designs or structures. It is preferable to identify adequate frameworks under which to operate from the beginning.

4. What framework has a comparably favorable performance?
In general, the small application is performed better in Flask but it depends on several aspects.

5. Which large company use Flask and CherryPy?
Absolutely, the two frameworks are used by a lot of companies for different web applications and services.

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