Application Portfolio Assessment: Key Considerations and Best Practices

In the modern world, every organization leverages a wide range of applications to manage tasks, build relationships with clients, and stay ahead of the rivals. But, organizing the large number of applications can be annoying, time wasting and costly in the long run. It is in this context, that Application Portfolio Assessment comes in. Here readers will find information on the purpose of such assessments, the process of conducting them, recommendations, the tools that can be used, the problems encountered and even an example of the application of this procedure.

Also known as application portfolio evaluation, the assessment plays an important role in IT evaluation in today’s world.

Effecting Increased Efficiency and Cost Reduction

Defining a large number of applications can cause the outflow of resources and a decrease in the efficiency of action. During such a process, one can easily discover that there are numerous applications, which might be redundant or have become obsolete, thus saving costs and hiking performances.

Strategic Decision Making

Thus, application portfolio assessments yield knowledge that is pivotal for strategic management. Knowing this helps organizations to invest in applications that are relevant to business and apply focus on developments which are behind schedule.

Bearing this in mind, below are the guidelines for executing an Application Portfolio Assessment:

Inventory and Categorization

The first activity is to create a list of all the existing applications as a starting point for the inventory. It is very useful to divide them by function, importance, and users, for instance, to decide about their further management in later stages.

Performance Analysis

Determine the performance level of each application. Benefit attributes like response time, usability, and capabilities of extending the application to others must be given due importance to decide about the applications value to the business.

Alignment with Business Goals

Determine the extent of suitability of each application to the present and future organizational goals and needs. An application that is not beneficial to these goals might require a gradual shutdown or engaging the services of a better application.

Risk and Security Evaluation

Security is paramount. Determine the possibilities of risks and threats for each application. Situations when applications are compromised result in leakage of data, and undermining of the reputation of the company.

Future Readiness

Consider the future. Regarding this aspect, it is important to know whether the applications are compatible with other new technologies. Will they be equally effective as the business expands? The importance of the management of the construction portfolio should be future proofed.

The Assessment Process of Applications: Strategies for Optimizing the Practices

Clear Evaluation Criteria

Components such as the interviewing criteria should be aligned clearly so that that application can be evaluated objectively. These could be in the form of profitability through ROI, end users’ perspectives, conformity to business goals and project feasibility among others.

Involvement of Stakeholders

It is recommended to involve people from different departments as such an approach will yield more extensive results. It is for this reason that their standpoint offers insights and perceptions about the regular usage and efficiency of each application.

Utilization of Automation

Expand the use of other types of data acquisition and analysis tools to speed up the process. Payments automation increases the speed of the assessment and the chances of mistakes are minimized.

Regular Updates and Reassessment

An important observation that can be made regarding digital is that is a fast-changing environment. Review and update the assessment periodically due to changes in the business requirements, emerging technologies, and users’ requirements.

The Instruments That May Be Used to Assess Application Portfolio

Automated Assessment Tools

Software such as AppliScan and AppTracker makes the natural evolution assessment more manageable by collecting information about an application’s characteristics and function, risks, and fit with business needs.

Manual Evaluation Tools

However, the channel of human judgment is crucial to attain more accurate assessment and for which surveys and feedbacks are helpful manual assessment tools. They record users’ feelings and emotions or the so-called attitudinal data.

Challenges in Application Portfolio Assessment

Data Accuracy and Completeness

It is also important to note that sometimes due to some deficiencies in the tests or insufficiency in the information acquired the outcomes may be distorted. Collection and validation of data is important since it assure of quality insights.

Resistance to Change

This is because teams may grumble at the idea of retiring familiar apps even when such apps are no longer efficient. As such, change management strategies are important to help implement the change processes.


Hence in the today’s fast globalizing world where technology is rapidly being adopted, the management of applications has to be done strategically if the business is to succeed. Application portfolio assessment helps to manage resources, is a tool that contributes to the achievement of business goals is a tool to minimize the threat of security incidents. With the help of best practices and proper use of assessment tools, organizations will not groping themselves in the dark with the kind of application landscape.


Why Should the Application Portfolio be assessed?
Application portfolio assessment can be defined as the systematic evaluation of the business application landscape in order to improve resource utilization, corporate objectives and security.

When should the assessments be carried out?
It is suggested to conduct the assessments more often, ideally annually, simply because the business and technology are constantly evolving.

What are the problems that can be encountered while carrying out assessment?
Challenges are as follows: data quality, people’s reluctance to change, and constant updates with rapidly advancing technologies.

Is the use of automated tools more effective than the manual assessment?
Technology tools make the process easier and faster, but the tangible reviews give valuable information on users’ perceptions.

Is portfolio assessment relevant to a small business?
Definitely, as it assists in allocation of funds and on the formulation of decisions that help enhance operations and even small business.

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